green cart on snowflake background with text winter green cart tips
January 28, 2022 Uncategorized No Comments

Composting is important, even in the winter.  Try these tips to prevent your organic material from freezing to your green cart.

  • Place crumpled newspaper at the bottom of your green cart or use a paper leaf & yard waste bag to line your cart.
  • Continue to layer paper between the material in your cart.
  • Material can also be wrapped in newspaper, paper bags or other compostable box (i.e. cereal box, frozen food box, etc.).
  • Put liquids in a paper cup and freeze it first so it will go into the cart frozen and not stick.


Do not place ashes in the green cart.  Store ashes in a METAL container until COOLED. On your regular garbage collection day, place cooled ashes in a combustible container (i.e. box or bag) and place out with regular garbage. WOOD ASHES DO NOT belong in your green cart. They generate significant dust when dumped inside our processing facility, causing a health & safety concern for staff.

The green cart is for food and yard waste ONLY.  Do no place plastics or any kind, Styrofoam, metal or rubber in the green cart.

Written by Elizabeth Graham
Elizabeth Graham has been the Communications Officer at Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre since November 2001. She loves all things up-cycled and re-purposed and enjoys working and volunteering within the community.