Residents from the Town of Petawawa, City of Pembroke, Township of Laurentian Valley and Township of North Algona Wilberforce can drop off their Hazardous or Special Waste (HSW) (and Electronic Waste) at our HSW Depot located at 1076 Woito Station Road – Gate 3 (next to 900 Woito Station Road) during regular operating hours or at one of the three Environmental Days.
Due to health and safety concerns, OVWRC staff are not able to assist with unloading of material from customer vehicles. Customers are responsible for unloading material to the receiving table.
Click Here for Operating Hours
VIDEO UPDATE: Only residents from our Partner Municipalities (Petawawa, Pembroke, Laurentian Valley, North Algona Wilberforce) can drop material off at the Hazardous Waste Depot.
How to Transport Hazardous Waste
Ensure HSW is in the original or a well-marked container to indicate the contents. Containers must be properly sealed with no visible leaks. Unlabeled/unidentified products cannot be accepted.
Containers must be 20L (5 gallon) or smaller.
Hazardous or Special Waste Accepted (At the HSW Depot AND Environmental Days) |
Hazardous or Special Waste NOT Accepted |
*Commercial and Industrial Municipal Hazardous and Special Waste is accepted in small quantities by PRE-APPROVED agreement only. Click here to access agreement forms. |
Paint Swap
Building a playhouse for the kids? Does your garage need some colour? Want to spruce up the cottage or camp?
If you need just a small amount of paint and of no particular colour you may be able to find it at the Waste Recovery Centre’s Hazardous or Special Waste Paint Swap. We set aside usable paint for residents to pick-up at no charge. Paint will not be available during winter months as materials are stored outside and subject to cooler temperatures.
Environmentally Friendly Alternatives to Household Cleaners
Click here for a list of Environmentally Friendly Alternatives to Household Cleaners.
When shopping for household hazardous or special waste products consider BUD:
B = Buy only what you need
U = Use it all up or
D = Drop off what you don’t use at the OVWRC’s HSW Depot or an Environmental Day.