picture of 3 collection schedules
March 1, 2017 Uncategorized No Comments

The 2017/2018 Collection Schedules are being delivered via Canada Post to residents in Petawawa, Pembroke and Laurentian Valley starting March 6th.  Delivery is expected to be completed by March 17th.

Copies are also available here for download. 

Below is the complete media release from Petawawa, Pembroke & Laurentian Valley:

February 28th, 2017 – The 2017/2018 Collection Schedules are being mailed out the week of March 6th to residents in Petawawa, Pembroke and Laurentian Valley.  The annual calendar, distributed by the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre on behalf of the Municipalities, outlines collection days for waste, recycling and green carts as well as special collections such as leaf and yard waste and Spring and Fall large item collection.

The collection schedules begin April 1st.  The layout and design of the schedules is the same as previous years and there are no significant program changes to note.   Residents are encouraged to review the calendar to ensure they are meeting all the requirements when setting material at the curb or roadside for collection.

“Take a minute to review the collection schedule.  It’s a good refresher to make sure you are recycling and composting right.” Comments Dave Unrau, Director of Public Works for the Town of Petawawa. “When material is set-out incorrectly it will not be collected.”

The collection schedules include many features to assist residents in participating in the local waste management programs:

  • 12 month calendar outlining collection days using symbols.
  • A map to determine collection days.
  • A detailed list outlining what is accepted in the yellow bin, green cart, blue box and garbage. This is detachable from the calendar to be posted in a convenient location for regular review.
  • Information on proper set-out requirements such as clearance around the green cart, weight and size limits of material and proper placement of collection containers.
  • Details on special pick-ups such as leaf & yard waste and large item collection.
  • Information on Electronic & Hazardous Waste including the 2017 Environmental Days.

 Copies of the schedules will be delivered by March 17th.  Copies are also available at Municipal Offices or the Centre’s website.

Written by Elizabeth Graham
Elizabeth Graham has been the Communications Officer at Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre since November 2001. She loves all things up-cycled and re-purposed and enjoys working and volunteering within the community.