Click here for a complete listing of 2020 Tipping Fees. Changes to note include:
1) Leaf & Yard Waste – Leaves & Grass Clippings ONLY will continue to be accepted at OVWRC free of charge (Partner) and $50/tonne (Non-Partner). Mixed Leaf & Yard Waste, Branches, Tree Limbs and Stumps will be directed to the Brush pile and charged at $95/tonne (Partner) and $150/tonne (Non-Partner). This change reflects the fact that there is a high cost to grind and process leaf & yard waste for composting when it is mixed with branches and larger tree limbs.
2) Agricultural Plastic & Boat Wrap – Now has a tipping fee of $50/tonne (Partner) and $90/tonne (Non-Partner). This is reflective of the cost to process and market this material. Customers bringing this material to OVWRC will be required to weigh in (Gate 1) and then will unload at Gate 3 so material can be inspected to ensure it is free from dirt and twine.
3) Unsorted Loads – Previously referred to as Contaminated Loads. No change to rate or definition.
The 2020 Tipping Fees were approved by the Ottawa Valley Waste Management Board at their October 9th, 2019 meeting.